More of:

2.Road Trips: There have been a lot of new books recently centred on road trips and I absolutley adore them. Your main characters stuck together in a confined space for a long period of time whats not to love?? Examples: Amy and Rogers Epic Detour, Don't Stop Now, Two Way Street, Paper Towns has a small but none the less brilliant Road Trip, basically any books with Road Trips are amazing!
3.Issue Books: While I adore and mostly read only fantasy books I have come to notice that the majority of my favourite books are Issue books I guess they leave a lasting impression they say reading a book can change a person and I think It's this kind of book that does that, It changes the way you think and the way you see the world. A few of my favourites: The Perks of being a wallflower, Looking For Alaska, Living Dead Girl, Thirteen Reasons Why, Speak. These kind of books open our eyes and teach us Important things and I would like to see a lot more of them.
Less of:
1.Love Triangles: I don't completely hate them I just think there are an overload of books with love triangles recently but some of my favourite books contain Love Triangles like The Summer Series or Unearthly.
2.Series that never end: I don't mind trilogies or in some cases there is a reason to have a lot of books like Harry Potter where there are seven school years(plus those books are so good they could've gone on forever and I'd still read them) But at some point some series just get so stretched out to the point where I can't even be bothered to read them any more and then I don't know how things end and I hate that too. It's a vicious circle! A couple I gave up on are: House of Night(got to book 6) Sookie Stackhouse (book 8 I got them in a box set and couldn't be bothered to read the rest) The Vampire Diaries(I read the first four but I still watch the show and adore it!!)
3.Ebooks: Or even just reading of something other than a book I got a hundred classic books on my ds and I just simply can't read it plus one of the best things about a book is the cover(I'll admit I totally judge books by their covers) with ebooks you miss out on that. I see the logic and how useful it is to be able to carry tons of books around with you and get them really fast but I personally just can't do it.
Great post! I'm also getting tired of series that never end and I can't deal with e-books either! Your positive list is spot on, I'm looking forward to reading those Road Trip books! New follower :)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you. I don't mind trilogies but anything longer drags too much. And I love my ebook reader, but have found myself converting back to the library as I miss not browsing the shelves and reading the covers. ( I totally judge a book by the cover too. tut tut )
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm new to this blogging thing and signed up as a follower. If you want to follow me my link is
Thanks very much ! :)
Oh! Do you have any recomendations for fairytale retellings? I am super interested in the too! I love ebooks though, although not as much as physical books, but they are pretty awesome and easy to access anywhere and anytime I want. :)